Slack Edge

Recently, a power outage in an AWS data centre, meant that our London region went offline without any of our connected users experiencing any downtime—something that would have been near impossible for us a year ago! In this session, I will share how we invested in automation to make horizontal scaling easy—too easy in fact, the perils of 'too much' automation, how we collaborate with teams across time zones and how SRE can influence product architecture decisions for the better.

Brett Pemberton, Slack

Brett has been professionally swearing at computers for the last 18 years. He's spent the last couple of those doing so at Slack, with love. He only sometimes breaks things.

It just got easier to Slack on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, without needing to download installers or run commands.

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  • Slack is the collaboration hub that brings teams and tools together. In this Slack demo, you’ll see how work happens in Slack.

The real-time chat and collaboration app, which is popular with major companies all around the world, is now available as a Snap app from the Snapcraft Store on all Linux distros that support it.

What is Slack?

Microsoft Teams looks and feels a lot like Slack, but there are plenty of features, integrations, and fun bells and whistles to help tell the two competing collaboration apps apart. Machine Learning at the edge. Azure Stack Edge helps you address latency or connectivity issues by processing data close to the source. Run Machine Learning models right at the edge locations. Transfer the data set you need, either the full data set or a subset, to Azure to retrain and continue to improve your model. Try Slack for free with your teammates. All it takes is an email address to get started. This browser is no longer supported. We know it's a hassle to switch browsers.

Wikipedia describes Slack as “…a cloud-based set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services”, a description that makes the platform sound painfully dull.

It’s anything but; Slack is vibrant, dynamic, and fast paced. Scores of well-known companies, teams, and creatives use it, as do many open source projects.

It’s sort of like e-mail mashed with IRC and WhatsApp. It lets distributed teams of all shades keep in touch and on top of what each other is up to, using text, emoji, hashtags, files and more in real-time.

One of the most compelling features of Slack is that every message and bit of communication is archived for future searching.

Companies get to create their own ‘slack’ space, and create separate ‘channels’ for discussion and oversight of specific topics, and so on. Third party apps bring integration with external productivity services like Dropbox, Github, Twitter, Gmail and more.

Over 6 million people use Slack every day so making the app easily available on Ubuntu is a great move. Even if only a fraction of those 6 million people use Ubuntu, it’ll be one less reason for them to dual-boot into their Windows or macOS partition.

“Slack is helping to transform the modern workplace, and we’re thrilled to welcome them to the snaps ecosystem”, said Jamie Bennett, VP of Engineering, Devices & IoT at Canonical.

“Today’s announcement is yet another example of putting the Linux user first – Slack’s developers will now be to push out the latest features straight to the user. By prioritising usability, and with the popularity of open source continuing to grow, the number of snaps is only set to rise in 2018.”

Slack isn’t new to Ubuntu per se (it’s been available for Linux for a while) but you’ve needed to head out and download a package from the web and then install it manually.

Slack desktop free

But now an official Slack Snap app is available on the Ubuntu Store, meaning it’s deliciously simple to install the app on Ubuntu and (in theory) a slate of other Linux distributions too.

Installing Slack on Ubuntu

Slack is not open-source software and is not, by default, included in the Ubuntu repositories — but it is available on the Snap store.

To install Slack on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or later using the Snap package just pop open the Ubuntu Software app and search for the app by name, or press this button:

Edgex Slack

If you prefer to install apps using the command line, or you’re using a Linux distro other than Ubuntu, you can run this command:

Whichever way you choose, that’s pretty much all there is to do. Once the package is downloaded, unpacked, and installed you can open Slack using your preferred app menu or application launcher.

Follow the on screen prompts to get set-up and join any Slack workspaces available to you.

Download Slack for Linux

Slack Edge Download

Don’t want to use the Snap package? You can download Slack for Linux from the Slack website, with separate installers offered for Ubuntu and Fedora:

Alternatively, run the following command to download Slack’s Ubuntu installer using the wget tool:

Then, install:

Open Source Alternative to the Slack Client

For the best Ubuntu experience on the Unity desktop you may want to consider using a third-party or unofficial Slack app.

Scudcloud is especially popular with users of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS because it neatly integrates with the Unity desktop. This means you get things like an unread message count on the Unity launcher, native notification bubbles, an indicator applet, and a Unity quicklist for fast switching between Slack channels.

You can download Scudcloud from Github, or install it from the a PPA by running these commands:

For an open source alternative to Slack that is self-hosted try Mattermost. It offers many of the same features as Slack, but is free, open-source software.