Ssh To Server With Private Key


A tutorial on configuring SSH Server to Authenticate with Private/Public Keys using Ubuntu Linux

You can log into Linux servers using passwords, or log in with no password, using ssh key, but there are times when it is not you who create the private/public key pair, or when you want to use a diferente key pair to log to another server.

One key pair for one server and another for the second one.

  1. New-SSHSession doesn't recognize PuTTY's key format (unfortunately neither the Gallery nor the project page mention this, but I found it in a PowerShellMagazine article). You need the private key in the OpenSSH format. You can convert the private key with PuTTYgen: Click File → Load private key.
  2. One is called a private key and the other is called a public key. Basically a user creates these keys in pairs (with public and private key counterpart.) The basic idea is Things encrypted using the SSH Public key can only be decrypted using ssh private key. Some important things to note about ssh key.

Let's suppose you already followed the steps above, so you alread have a key pair installed on your server. Now you have a second key pair you want to use to log to the second server.

Configure the client


Ssh To Server With Private Key Windows

In the client side, in the PC from where you want to log to the server, you need to follow two steps, install the second private key and then configure your PC to use that second key to log to the specified server.

Copy the private key

Just copy the private key to .ssh/ in your home directory. Name that file something like /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa2, and give it the appropiate permissions.

Ssh Using Private Key

Congure your PC to use that second key

You now need to create a new file, with your favorite editor, mine is vim

Ssh private key file

And add this text inside:


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Ssh To Server With Private Key Free

Wb electronics usb devices driver download for windows 10. That is it, you can now log into, using the your_user user, and your second private will be used. You can add as many block to /home/user/.ssh/config file as keys you can have or create.