Uc Copay

*Terms and Conditions apply. This benefit covers HUMIRA® (adalimumab) alone or, for rheumatology patients, HUMIRA plus one of the following medications: methotrexate, leflunomide (Arava®), or hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil®). Eligibility: Available to patients with commercial prescription insurance coverage for HUMIRA who meet eligibility criteria. Co-pay assistance program is not available to patients receiving prescription reimbursement under any federal, state, or government-funded insurance programs (for example, Medicare [including Part D], Medicare Advantage, Medigap, Medicaid, TRICARE, Department of Defense, or Veterans Affairs programs) or where prohibited by law or by the patient’s health insurance provider. If at any time a patient begins receiving prescription drug coverage under any such federal, state, or government-funded healthcare program, patient will no longer be able to use the HUMIRA Complete Savings card and patient must call HUMIRA Complete at 1-800-4HUMIRA to stop participation. Patients residing in or receiving treatment in certain states may not be eligible. Patients may not seek reimbursement for value received from the HUMIRA Complete Program from any third-party payers. Offer subject to change or discontinuance without notice. Restrictions, including monthly maximums, may apply. Patients who are members of insurance plans that claim to reduce or eliminate their patients' out of pocket co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible obligations for certain prescription drugs based upon the availability of, or patient's enrollment in, manufacturer sponsored co-pay assistance for such drugs (often termed 'maximizer' programs) will have an annual maximum program benefit of $6,000.00 per calendar year. This assistance offer is not health insurance. To learn about AbbVie’s privacy practices and your privacy choices, visit www.abbvie.com/privacy.html

The University of California has chosen to make supplemental drug coverage available to you. This coverage is in addition to your Part D prescription drug benefit. The drug copays in this section are for drugs that are covered by both your Part D prescription drug benefit. The copay card may not be sold, purchased, traded, or offered for sale, purchase, or trade. The copay card is limited to one per person during this offer period and is not transferable. Void where prohibited by law, taxed, or restricted. This Copay Card program renews annually on January 1.

Uc Copay Meaning

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What Is Uc Copay

A free standing Urgent Care under the umbrella of a Hospital system is billing Rev code 456 with 99283. Some insurers are processing this with an ER copay vs. Urgent Care copay. The CPT book notes for codes 99281-99285 the facility must be available 24 hours/day. In this case the Urgent Care facility has limited hours. Also since Rev Code 456 is under the ER section of the Revenue codes they are noting it should have ER copay applied.
Are there different guidelines for billing Urgent Care that is owned by a hopsital system? It seems like more appropriate billing in this scenario would be 0526 for Freenstanding Urgent Care Clinic or 0516 for Urgent Care Clinic since it is Hospital owned. What CPT code should be used for the E/M in this case? Thanks,