Make Winamp Bigger

To do this, open Settings and go to System Display. Under 'Change the size of text, apps, and other items,' you'll see a display scaling slider. Drag this slider to the right to make these UI.

Guide compiled by JonnyMac - Moderator, Winamp Forums
  1. Winamp is a free multimedia player made by Nullsoft. It supports numerous audio and video formats. It also plays streamed video and audio content, both live and recorded, authored worldwide.
  2. When notifications come up, they are extremely small, they used to be much larger but for no reason have changed size. They also aren't fully in the corner anymore. I haven't been able to find anything online about this issue.
  3. Running Winamp on a 4K monitor, the buttons are microscopically tiny. It's kind of ridiculous. Even on my laptop that has a 1920x1080 display, I can barely hit the buttons 'd be awesome if the UI would either pick up Windows 10's application scaling settings, or if you could scale it up yourself.
  4. Okay - so I am a 30+ geezer who wants a bigger player so I don't have to squint every time I want to do something. Is there any way to make the winamp player larger - a skin or a plug-in or anything? And plllllllleeeeeasee don't spam the hell out of me - I am brand new to Winamp so I am clueless. Thanks for whomever answers.

Q: What does the Equalizer do?
A: The equalizeris similar to the bass and treble controls on a stereo or radio,however you get individualized control of specific bass or treblefrequencies. The left side are the bass frequencies and the right arethe treble. The higher the more bass/treble, lower positions the lessbass/treble and center is normal. The preamp is similar to a volumecontrol on the EQ.
Make winamp bigger
PresetsQ: What are Presets?
A: Presets let you save or load custom equalizer settings. Winamp already comes with a default set of presets..
  1. press Preset button.
  2. select Load
  3. click Preset..
  4. There should be a list to choose from, make a choice
  5. click OK

You can also set your own presets and save them
  1. Set the EQ sliders to your liking
  2. press Preset button.
  3. select Save
  4. click Preset..
  5. give it a name and Save

Q: Where can I find more presets? Where can I find presets for other genres?
A: To paraphrase, 'presets are in the 'ear' of the beholder'. It all depends on the listener and the sound system on their computer. However, if you are interested in more presets read here. Note what was mentioned about installing 'Winamp.q1' presets and how that will replace the default preset file.
Q: What are auto presets? What does the 'Auto' button do?
A: Auto presets can be set for specific media files and automatically load for each media file.
  1. set the EQ to the way you like for a currently playing song or current file in main/player window.
  2. press Presets button
  3. select Save
  4. select Auto-load preset..
  5. press the Save button
When the Equalizer and Auto button are on the EQ will change automatically for each media file that has an auto preset.
Set a default for non auto preset..
  1. set the sliders to your preference for a default
  2. press Presets button
  3. select Preset..
  4. select Save
  5. select Default
Q: Will auto-presets work for audio CDs?
A: Auto-presets are based on filenames. You can add auto-presets for CD tracks, however as CD tracks are represented as Track##.cda (where ## is the track number) the presets will also be applied to tracks on other CDs.
Q: Will auto-presets work with Internet radio (EG SHOUTcast)?
A: Yes. If the stream's address is static (does not change) auto-presets will work.
TroubleshootingQ: When using the EQ I get static or choppy music, what can I do to fix it?
A: Try these DirectSound tweaks.Using a DSP/Effect plug-in with the EQ may be overkill so try disablingeither one. People with lower end systems may want to close someapplications. Make sure you have the latest updates to the sounddrivers and DirectX for your system.
Q: Why is there no Equalizer item on the right click menu?
A: Some modern skins don't have an Equalizermenu item built in to the skin. That will usually occur with modernskins that have the EQ built in to the main player. It is up to theauthor to include one.
Q: Why does the EQ have a default or generic look?
A: If the skin author did not include an Equalizer skin Winamp will substitute one. It is up to the skin author to include all windows in skins. All skins at have fully skinned equalizers.
Q: The EQ window is gone, where is it?
A: Don't panic. Read this thread.
Q: Arrrr, I go to 'Presets > Load > Preset..' and there is nothing in the box. Help me!
A: Either the preset file is missing or has become corrupted. You can download default/original preset file here. While Winamp is not running, download the file directly to the Winamp folder or download it to another folder then move (or copy) the file to the WA folder.
Q: How can I get the EQ work with CDs?
A: For CDs
  1. Ctrl+P
  2. Plug-ins > Input
  3. double click Nullsoft CDLineIn Plug-in
  4. checkmark 'Enable digital audio extraction when possible' and/or 'Use Sonic engine when possible'
  5. close out of Prefs
  6. close & restart Winamp
Read here for info regarding CD auto-presets
Q: How can I get the EQ to work with MIDIs?
A: Depending on your preference..
Method #1
  1. Ctrl+P
  2. Plug-ins > Input
  3. double-click Nullsoft MIDI player
  4. Device tab
  5. under the Device: drop-down list select 'Direct Music / Microsoft Synthesizer (with output)'
Method #2
  1. Ctrl+P
  2. Plug-ins > Input
  3. double click Nullsoft MIDI player
  4. Device tab > midiOut device or something that closely reflects your soundcard
  5. Sampling tab
  6. checkmark 'Sampling Enabled' and 'Send to Winamp's output system'
  7. close out of prefs.
It may take some trial & error with settings. You also may want to try a different device in the Sampling tab.
Q: How can I get the EQ to work with LineIn or Microphone?
A: To do this you will need Jasper's LineIn plugin. Documentation is provided with the plug-in's ReadMe file or use the online docs. Some points about using the plug-in..
  • Jasper's plug-in uses line:// (not Winamp's default linein://).
  • To prevent echoes the Microphone and Line In should be muted in the Windows mixer.
  • Because of the plug-in's nature there is a noticeable latency (delay) issue. The on line docs has some suggestions for reducing the delay.
Q: How can I get the EQ to reset/return to normal values for non auto preset files?
A: You need to configure or reconfigure a default preset.
MiscellaneousQ: Why is their X number of seconds before I hear the change?
A: That depends on how much time set in buffer of the current outputplug-in. X numbers of seconds in the buffer = X numbers seconds beforeyou hear the change.
Q: Is balance or cross-fade included with EQ presets?
A: No. Although some modern skins may have the balance and/or cross-fade controls in the EQ window they are not a function of the equalizer.
Q: Will the EQ normalize or auto level my songs/music?
A: Yes and no. The EQ is not specifically designed as normalizer,however if you have a small number of files to normalize and don't mindsome work the EQ can simulate a normalizer. Use auto presets in conjunction with the preamp slider. If you want to, add personal touch with the frequency sliders.
Make winamp biggerFor further information on equalizing and/or auto gain read here.
Q: What are the various equalizer settings files?
A: Winamp.q1 = presets file, Winamp.q2 = auto-presets file, *.eqf = individual preset file where * represents a file name
If you are interested with other changes/effects/enhancements with music there are plenty of DSP/Effect plug-ins to choose from.
External Information/Resources
  • 4Front EQ10 for Winamp
    Note: Winamp 5 users should refer to the Winamp 2 guide. The Winamp3 component (plug-in) does not apply to Winamp 5. Update: The Winamp 2 guide has been replaced by the 'EQ10 plugin (1.7M)' stand alone plug-in.
  • About.comThe Equalizer
Revised 05 May 2005 by JonnyMac

These are the options within the Winamp Skins preferences:

Skins (top-level):

  • Installed skins: A list of the available skins.

  • Set skins directory: Click this to change the folder where skins are located.

  • Random skin on play: Automatically and randomly use a new skin every time a new track is played.

  • Rename current skin: Click this to rename the selected skin.

  • Uninstall current skin: Click this to uninstall the selected skin.

  • Current skin information: Lists information about the selected skin, if available.

  • Get skins: Click this to get new skins online.

[Back to Top]

Classic Skins: These preferences apply only to Classic Winamp2.x skins.

  • Classic Skins Options:

    • Dim window titlebar when not in focus: Dim the title bar unselected Winamp windows.

    • Dock skinned windows at __ pixels: Type the numbers of pixels at which to dock Winamp windows to the nearest window.

    • Enable smooth window resizing for resizeable skinned windows: Allow resizable Classic windows to be resized smoothly.

    • Always show Winamp 'Clutterbar' in main window: Always show the 'Clutterbar,' which gives quick access to frequently used options. The Clutterbar is not available in all Classic skins.

    • Display tooltips in Winamp's main window: Show small pop-up tips when the mouse pointer is over buttons and interface elements

    • Use doublesize setting on equalizer as well as main window: When the main window is doublesize, make the equalizer doublesize too.

    • Oldschool playlist button behavior: Use the classic, single-click behavior with play list buttons.

    • Use skinned mouse overs: Use Winamp mouse cursors instead of the system mouse cursors.

    • Use skinned font for main window title display: Use a Winamp font for the main window title display instead of the system font.

    • Litestep VWM compatible mode (no screen snap): Uli mobile phones & portable devices driver. Allow Winamp to take advantage of the Litestep Virtual Window Manager, if available.

    • Always on Litestep Virtual Desktops: Make Winamp always appear on Litestep Virtual Desktops, if available.

    • Tpg usb devices driver download. Display playlist position in the song scroller: Shows or hides the playlist item number in the Classic songticker title.

  • Classic Visualization:

    • Classic visualization settings: Choose Spectrum analyzer, Oscilloscope, or No visualization.

    • Visualization refresh rate: Use the slider to choose how fast you want visualization to be refreshed.

    • Analyzer coloring style: Choose Normal style, Fire style, or Line style. Each still will make the spectrum analyzer look different.

    • Show peaks on analyzer: Show peaks to indicate how high the spectrum analyzer has reached. Usbnic utstarcom driver download.

    • Analyzer band width: Choose Thin for narrow bands or choose Thick for broader bands.

    • Analyzer falloff speed: Use the slider to choose how fast you want spectrum analyzer bands to drop back down.

    • Analyzer peak falloff speed: Use the slider to choose how fast you want spectrum analyzer peaks to drop back down.

    • Oscilloscope: Choose Dots, Lines, or Solid to determine the oscilloscope style.

Modern Skins: These options only apply to Modern Winamp 3.x and higher skins.

Make Winamp Bigger

  • General:

    • Timers Resolution: Use the slider to choose the timers resolution. This affects the speed and performance of the built-in spectrum and beat visuals. Higher values (slider towards the left) use more CPU.

    • Text Scroll Speed: Use the slider to choose how fast you want text to scroll in the main window songticker.

    • Enable Tooltips: Show small pop-up tips when the mouse pointer is over buttons and interface elements.

    • Dock windows at __ pixels: Type the numbers of pixels at which to dock Winamp windows to the nearest window.

    • Dock toolbars at __ pixels: Type the numbers of pixels at which to dock Winamp toolbars to the edge of the screen or nearest window.

    • Scaling: Link all windows in all skins: When checkmarked, uses the same scaling as the main window for all Winamp windows.

    • WindowShade scale follows Normal Window Scale: When checkmarked, uses the same scaling for WindowShade (stick) mode as in Normal mode.

  • Alpha Blending:

    • Enable Desktop Alpha Blending: Use alpha blending to make the skin smooth blend in with the desktop (Windows 2000 or later only). Note that alpha blending uses more CPU, but not all modern skins make use of it (eg. the default Winamp Modern skin doesn't use alpha blending at all).

    • Opacity: Link all windows in all skins: Use the same opacity as the main window for all other Winamp windows. Select underneath between: Auto Opaque on Focus or Hover, or No Auto Opacity.

    • WindowShade opacity follows Normal Window opacity: When checkmarked, uses the same opacity settings for WindowShade mode as in Normal mode.

    • Auto Opaque: Adjust the 'Fade In', 'Hold' and 'Fade Out' sliders to taste.

  • Font Rendering:

    • Use FreeType internal TTF rendering for older skins: Specifies whether to use Winamp's internal truetype font renderer (uses more CPU and memory) or the Windows OS font renderer instead. This setting affects the text in the titlebar for individual windows, and also the text in the main window songticker (depending on whether some of the other options below are also enabled/disabled). You may get better results for displaying unicode characters if you uncheck this option under non-English/Latin based OS'es. Also note that as from Winamp 5.5, Modern skins which a version of v1.3 or higher (such as Bento or Winamp Modern) no longer use this option, regardless of whether it is checkmarked or not.

    • Charmap Encoding: Select a character set from the drop-down list, if required (the default 'Auto' setting should suffice in most cases). Note that this setting is mainly used for rendering non-standard fonts.

    • Use the alternate fonts if the skin defines them: If checkmarked, uses the font defined in the current skin (if any). This setting is not recommended if you require support for unicode characters.

    • Keep primary font in strings that contain only 7-bit chars: Uses the specified skin font for English characters only.

    • Use skin font mapper: Allows you to set specific fonts for specific skins and/or components.

    • Allow use of bitmap fonts that have not been mapped: Uncheck this option if you require support for Unicode (non-Latin) characters.

    • TrueType Replacement for Winamp Charset bitmap fonts (Replace with): Specify a font to replace the internal bitmap font, eg. if you require support for multiple character sets (Latin, Cyrillic, Oriental, etc) then select a suitable font such as 'Arial Unicode MS'.

    • Increase/Decrease size: Increases or decreases the font size in the main window songticker accordingly.

    • Keep bitmap font in strings that contain only 7-bit chars: Retains the default bitmap font for English characters only.

    • Default / Fallback: If the current skin doesn't specify a font, or specifies a font that cannot be found on the system, then use this font instead.

    • Increase/Decrease size: Increases or decreases the size of the above-specified font in the main window songticker accordingly.

  • Color Themes: Choose on the listed color schemes available for the current skin.

    • Set Theme: Click this to apply a selected color theme.

How To Make Winamp Bigger

Make Winamp Bigger

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