Megan Amram Tweets

  1. Megan Amram Asian
  2. Megan Amram Cancelled

And now, here are Megan Amram’s top 103 Trump tweets (so far): No. 103: Today was the day Donald trump finally became president — Megan Amram (@meganamram) February 25, 2018.

  1. Author and producer Megan Amram returned to Twitter on Oct. 27, 2020, after a few-months-long hiatus. In a six-tweet-long thread, she assured her followers that she devoted this time to self-reflection, pledging to make use of her public platform to attract extra consideration to organizations combating in opposition to societal injustice. Followers responded to the.
  2. So who is Megan Amram, and why is she consistently ranked among the funniest women on Twitter? Not only has Amram become a hot young Hollywood comedy writer, hired to write jokes for a new Disney.

Earlier this week, The Good Place co-executive producer Megan Amram took to social media to apologize for a number of racist, prejudice, and anti-Semitic tweets posted between 2011 and 2013 that recently surfaced. Now two members of the recently-wrapped NBC series are speaking out. First up, Manny Jacinto (Jason) posted a message of support for Amram. While noting that the tweets were 'definitely inexcusable,' Jacinto says Amram has always been 'loving, kind, and supportive.' as well as someone who uses her professional positions to promote diversity and representation. Referring to Amram as 'an ally and friend,' Jacinto said he hoped others would look beyond her past and judge her on what she's done with her life up until now:

— Manny Jacinto (@MannyJacinto) June 19, 2020

And to elaborate, the character of Jason Mendoza was created because we wanted to showcase an Asian character that drifted away from the model minority myth, I took immense pleasure in making him a big hearted dummy ❤️

— Manny Jacinto (@MannyJacinto) June 19, 2020


Megan Amram Asian

William Harper Jackson (Chidi) perspective was different, calling himself out for what he felt was too long of a wait before responding to Amram's tweets. In the following two tweets, Harper also called out the racist comments 'being said about our Asian brothers and sisters.' Apparently, Harper was called out for not addressing the other groups disparaged by Amram because he offers a third tweet that also addressed ableism and anti-semitism:

Been wrestling for a while with how to respond to Megan Amram's tweets. And I effed up. Those tweets shocked the hell out of me. I wanted to give her a chance to respond and apologize, but as I waited I realized that silence was complicity, whether I meant for it to be or not.

— William Jackson Harper (@dubjackharper) June 19, 2020

We can't tolerate those sorts of things being said about our Asian brothers and sisters, and in this moment, it's my duty to be actively anti-racist, and I didn't do that. So to those hurt by my silence, I apologize. That wasn't cool. No excuses.

Megan Amram Cancelled

— William Jackson Harper (@dubjackharper) June 19, 2020

And to y'all hitting me with what I missed in the above apology. You're right. Ableism is unacceptable. Anti-Semitism is unacceptable. In short, We gotta stop being assholes. That includes me.


— William Jackson Harper (@dubjackharper) June 19, 2020

Amram's tweets contained racist jokes about Asian-Americans, Jewish people, and individuals with disabilities. In a statement posted to social media on Wednesday night, Amram looked to apologize for her posts: 'I fear this will not convey everything that I want it to, but I am speaking from the heart and trying my best to communicate my sincere regret. I am deeply embarrassed and more apologetic than you can ever know. My instinct is to share the varying degrees of explanation for every tweet that has offended, but I know full well there are no excuses. I will be sorry for as long as I live that I have hurt even one person, and I very much understand why my words have hurt many more. Also, I specifically would like to apologize to the Asian American community, who I have hurt most with my tweets. I very much understand why you are hurt.'


Amram would go on to explain how she feels she's changed since the time of those posts, ending with an apology for staying silent for so long before making a promise to do better moving forward: 'I have been silent on this in the hopes that my current actions would speak louder than my past words, and that was my mistake, but I would like to make it very clear now how deeply sorry I am. I'm not posting the tweets here since I do not want to hurt people again with those words. But I want to be very clear: I am sorry. I mean it and I will prove that every day for the rest of my life.' You can check out Amram's statement in its entirety below (followed by Amram's original post):

To everyone that follows me, please read:

Megan Amram Tweets

— Megan Amram (@meganamram) June 18, 2020